Saturday, October 6, 2018

Top 5 Characteristics of a Succesful Virtual Assistant

Virtual Assistant

The biggest challenge for a busy business owner is finding the right Virtual Assistant.  There’s plenty of tedious but absolutely essential task that makes up the fundamental part of a business operation.
 Having a great VA well not only saves their time, resources and money but also let them concentrate on improving the other aspect of their business which requires thorough attention. On the other hand, if you are a VA you need to examine and evaluate yourself if you possess these characteristics to be successful.
1.      Integrity- It’s difficult to trust someone working right next to you. Even more so if they are out of your sight and a continent apart. A client should be able to trust you and the output that you are making. Always secure any confidential files or data that a client trusted you. Remember trust is earned it is not easily given. Showing integrity will keep your relationship with your client longer.

2.      Communication Skills – It is vital to have excellent communication skills for you to be able to communicate with your clients. Effective communication always bridges the distance between two people. So you must be able to command the English language both in written and oral. However, this skill goes beyond writing, speaking and comprehension.
In this digital age, it means the ability to manage, organize and utilize multiple methods of communication such as text, chat, email and video conferencing apps etc.

3.      Competence- Competency entails a lot, from being capable enough to handle what the clients need and when they need it with great accuracy. It means not only to be good in the fundamental and technical skills but also to be flexible in handling different client and their demands. This requires intelligence in using the internet and proficiency in certain software that the client use or need.
A successful VA can generate a new idea, organize and applied them with careful evaluation.

4.      Attitude and Harmony - In Think and Grow Rich, a popular book written by Napoleon Hill It stated that even Andrew Carnegie emphasized again and again the necessity for a harmonious conduct. He Stressed the fact that he would not retain any man, no matter how great a quantity, or how efficient the quality of his work, unless he works in a spirit of harmony.  Thus it is indeed essential to show the right attitude. Be transparent in your abilities and show the willingness to learn new things.  If you don’t have the proper demeanor you can’t accomplish any task.

5.      Passion- The importance of doing things with enthusiasm and the ability to go beyond. A passionate VA can definitely go a distance. Loving and having fun with his/her work produces happiness and excitement. It will get rid of the boredom and frustrations.

Ultimately, if you want to be a successful Virtual Assistant show the right attitude, combine with a great working ethics and the mindset to perform each task effectively.


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